SGK MEDICREDENCE is a medical tourism company, founded by professionals with long experience in the health industry.
The core of our associates is made up of internationally distinguished health professionals who stand out for their excellent scientific training and professionalism, as well as certified care facilities of the highest caliber.

The company is mainly but not exclusively involved in the management and support of patients who opt for any kind of medical services provided away from their place of residence.
This includes consulting services, provision of information to patients and their families concerning the available medical services, health professionals and care facilities regarding their health issues.
CyberKnife is a robotic radiosurgery system that offers highly precise, non-surgical treatment for tumors and lesions anywhere in the body – including the prostate, lung, brain, spine, liver, pancreas and kidney.
Thanks to its innovative design and the ground-breaking technology it applies, it is in many cases the only solution, while it can also be used as a complementary method, following surgery, conventional radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
TomoTherapy. The only radiotherapeutic assembly with a built-in CT scanner to treat the entire spectrum of patients that undergo radiotherapy.
It offers highly accurate 3D dose distribution with a single 360-degree rotation of the linear accelerator, in a very short period of time (10-15 minutes), while protecting healthy tissue adjacent to the lesion through a patient-friendly treatment process.